Are You Planning for Your Future or Just Letting Life Happen?

Spending an hour each week to map out your schedule is not a lot of time. Remember when planning, we all get 168 hours each week to “Create Your Best Future.” The fraction of the time you spend mapping out your goals and activities each week can turn a mediocre life into the life you envisioned.

Life begins when you have a plan!


Planning isn’t hard but it is something you need to start adding to your routine to make it a habit. When done consistently, planning will eventually become second nature to you. The first month or so will seem like a challenge but once you stop fighting the process and start looking at the benefits you’ll wish you had started a long time ago.

To get started you need to ask yourself three questions.

  • What do I want to accomplish? Write your goals down so you can refer back to them every month.
  • Why do I want to accomplish these goals? If it’s not part of your larger goal, reevaluate the goal to determine if it should be a part of your vision. 
  • How will I do it? Determine what resources you will need to get the tasks done.

These three questions should give you a clearer picture of what you want to accomplish and should be connected to your goals in these four areas of your life.

  1. Mind & Body 
  2. Family & Friends
  3. Career & Business 
  4. Finances

After you determine your goals you need to start creating your life blueprint. Why do you need a life blueprint?

To explain it best, here’s the definition.

blueprint is a guide for making something — it’s a design or pattern that can be followed… Draw up a blueprint and follow the design carefully. The literal meaning of a blueprint is a paper with plans for a building printed on it.

Your building is your future. You cannot start “Creating Your Best Life” without your plan or blueprint.

Here are the steps to planning. 

  1. Determine all the goals you want to accomplish. 
  2. Place a time limit next to each goal; 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc. 
  3. Determine the small things can you do in the next three months to get you closer to your larger goal?
  4. Break your monthly goals into the next 4 weeks. Remember, one month at a time. 
  5. Break your weekly goals into daily activities.
  6.  Don’t forget, to reach any goal you have to put ACTION behind it, otherwise, they’re just words.

If your starting to feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath and remember this, you’re only working one month at a time but moving towards accomplishing your 90-day plan. Then you can start working on the next 90 days. Before you know it, you’re celebrating completing one or all of your goals.

To help you with this process we have a few tools you can add to your “Planning Your Best Future” toolbox. All of our planning products can be found in the  Audrey Lucille shopping boutique. If you’re looking for one on one coaching head over to Angelica G Miller and check out my “Work with Me” section.

Remember to get the future you want, you have to be intentional about your plans!!

Don’t forget to join the conversation over on Facebook.

Your Friend,
