Our Commitment
Giving women flexibility and peace of mind so they can thoughtfully plan their daily lives by using our planner, budget and meal planning tools.

The Audrey Lucille Visualize Monthly Planning System is an entire system for organizing the different aspects of your life. Much more than a date book, the Visualize Monthly Planning System consists of several components which work together for an all-inclusive life management system.
Monthly View
This section provides you an overview for the entire month. We also included a section to help you to keep track of special occasions, goals, important things you need to complete such as bills to pay and a section to keep track of your personal growth.
Week At A Glance
This section gives you an overview of your plans for each week. The week at a glance will allow you to keep track of key activities for you, your family, personal & family budgets, exercise programs, community giving and weekly motivational quotes for you to meditate upon.
Audrey Lucille
As 21st Century women we all have tons of priorities. We have certain responsibilities and opportunities that we consider the most significant in our day to day tasks. In the pressures of everyday living, we often find ourselves spending too much time dealing with the things that aren’t the most important. This is where “Audrey Lucille” steps in to help you manage your day!
The Audrey Lucille Visualize Planner will help you discover how to stay focused on your utmost priorities and as a result, achieve greater productivity. You will no longer find yourself “busy” all day, but look back and feel that you didn’t accomplish anything.
Try it out for a month. We’re confident that when you see the difference with one month of intentional planning, you’ll want to know more, do more and essentially accomplish more. And we’ll be ready to help!

Owner & Creator

Angelica Miller
I’m so glad you found my site! I created my functional planning tools with you and me in mind. Over the years I have talked to my girlfriends, co-workers, and other women I’ve met and we seem to have something in common. We want to get our lives in order. We want to start putting our goals into action. We want to wear our superhero cape and feel good and confident about wearing it!!
So stop procrastinating and start working your plan today.
Guiding our customers to intentionally plan a life reflecting their individual style and sophistication through thoughtfully designed tools and resources. We will help you clear the clutter so you can start designing the life you want and deserve.
Audrey Lucille Iconic Style