Audrey Lucille Planning System
Monthly View
This section gives you an overview for the entire month. We also included a section to help you to keep track of special occasions, goals, important things you need to complete such as bills to pay and a section to keep track of your personal growth.

Weekly Glance
This section gives you an overview of your plans for each week. The week at a glance will allow you to keep track of key activities for you, your family, personal & family budgets, exercise programs, community giving and weekly motivational quotes for you to meditate upon.

Daily View
This section allows you to plan your daily activities, set your goals, keep track of what you ate during the day and monitor your spending

Budget View
The budget section provides you with an area to keep track of all your monthly finances. We’ve provided you with a weekly and monthly view to give you a clearer picture of where your money is going each month.

Meal Plan View
Keep track of your meals including your lunch and weekly snacks! There’s also a section to keep track of your recipes and where they’re located such as Pinterest, magazines, blogs, cookbooks, websites, etc.

Shopping View
This section will help you keep track of your weekly store purchases. Included in this section is a master list of key items you should have in your pantry and a smaller list for the weeks you don’t need as much from the store